]The process for UY Book 31 cover. The book will be out in July, 2017
Penciled with 3mm HB mechanical pencil on 4-ply 500 series Strathmore Bristol
Bordered with a 3.5 mm technical pen, and inked with a Koh-i-noor Art Pen
I masked the foreground and figures and inked the background with ShinHan Touch marker
I laid a watercolor was over the entire background
Using variations of the background tone, I detailed the face of Enma, the Japanese lord of Hell
I don't lay water down. Instead I make a diluted watercolor "wash". You can get a flat, even tone if you use a large, flat watercolor brush, but I wanted some texture to the background.
I laid a wash over the foreground, and peeled off the mask covering the figures
"Wash" is diluted ink or watercolor to create a transparent color. I like to use this technique to build up colors, though you have to be careful with watercolors because it is water soluble and laying on more washes can affect the color underneath. I laid on a pretty even wash for the floor, but wanted to gradate the colors from left to right, dark to light or the floor would come off as flat and would flatten out the drawing/painting.
Using watercolors, I worked the clothing
Finished art