April 1991
Action Comics #665: The beginning of a long and disappointing lull in an otherwise AMAZING stretch of Superman stories, perhaps his finest era.
Action Comics #666: Filler writer telling a story that built up a compelling mystery and then gave us a middle finger three issues later at the close.
Adventures of Superman #479: The second part of said mystery.
Amazing Spider-Man #348: I dabbled with reading Spider-Man at this point. I don't remember much about it except that there were a ton of guest stars in this stretch.
Ape Nation #2: This ended up being one of my absolute least favorite comic runs of all time, but it hadn't quite gotten there yet. I reviewed this issue and the subsequent ones
Batman #463: Pretty forgettable attempt to be inclusive to Native American cultures, but it did give us the Post-Crisis Ace The Bathound. Reviewed it
Batman Annual #15: Loved the concept of Armageddon 2001, but a lot of the crossover issues were big disappointments, and this was one of them. Reviewed it
Damage Control #1: Owned this a long time ago, got rid of it decades back, and don't really remember it.
Daredevil #293: Owned this a long time ago, got rid of it decades back, and don't really remember it.
Daredevil Annual #7: I know I excitedly bought up the entire Von Strucker Gambit x-over at the time, but I think I was a little too young to understand much of the plot. I got rid of all of these YEARS ago and wonder if I missed out on much.
Darkhawk #4: Darkhawk was such fun, even if it was stupid fan service to kids my age. These currently sit in my future step-son's collection. No, I don't really remember any specific stories beyond the origin.
Deadly Foes of Spider-Man #2: Owned this a long time ago, got rid of it decades back, and don't really remember it.
Deathlok Special #2-4: Years ago, I went back and bought the originals, discarding these reprints, but they are how I first encountered the storyline, and damn if it wasn't a remarkably fine one that holds up to my adult scrutiny.
Demon #12: I was really into Etrigan for five minutes, then I got rid of all of these. I was too young to understand much of the plotlines, but I thoroughly enjoyed the dark humor.
Detective Comics #629-630: SUCH a cool villain idea! I not only
reviewed these issues, but the villain made
my list of best Batman villains from this era.
Emerald Dawn II #2-3: Even as a kid, I wanted to like this storyline so much more than I actually did. I was 11 and didn't need my heroes deconstructed. Actually, I still don't.
Excalibur #38: One of these days, I'm going to read this run. I've only had the full run for two decades now!
Flash #51: I think everyone my age was reading Flash in the wake of the television series. I liked the new look, but nothing about the stories compelled me.
Justice League America #51, Justice League Europe #26-27, Justice League Quarterly #3: I acquired the full run of these about a decade back and really need to get back to
my reviews.
Justice Society of America #3: Bought this as a kid, got rid of it in my twenties, and I'm not sure I ever actually read it. I suspect I'd enjoy it.
Legends of the Dark Knight #18-19: The storyline so bad that it made me stop reading and get rid of my LotDK collection (beyond a few key storylines). Here's
my review.
Magnus Robot Fighter #2: I adore Magnus, but Shooter's take on the character felt a little too adolescent angsty for me. Fortunately, I loved where Valiant took the character next.
my reviews.
Mighty Thor #433: Bought it because it looked collectible, and had no idea what was going on. Not sure if it's still in my collection or not.
New Titans #76: I stopped reading New Titans a few issues earlier when I didn't like the idea that they were wiping the slate clean and forming a new team. I bought the ensuing issues years later and still intend to read them some day.
Punisher Annual #4: Again, I bought all the Von Strucker Gambit tie-ins and got rid of them a few years later.
Punisher Armory #2, Punisher War Journal #31" Punisher was all the rage at this point, so I bought both of these, and I ended up finding neither interesting.
Silver Surfer #50: It had a shiny cover. As an adult, I have no interest in Silver Surfer when Lee and/or Kirby aren't involved.
Spider-Man #11: Ugh, the McFarlane run...
Superman #56: The disappointing culmination to a filler storyline that promised everything and delivered nothing by the close.
Superman Annual #3: Now THIS was a story I loved as a kid. It didn't age well for me, but there were still some very memorable parts.
My review{/a].
Superman For Earth #1: My reviewUncanny X-Men #277: It's been so long since I read this late into the X-Men run. I don't remember the story at all, but I did love those Jim Lee Blue/Gold costumes.
Wolverine #40: I vaguely recall Elsie D and Albert. As for whether the storyline was any good, I have no idea.
Wonder Woman #55: The run was well past its prime at this point. No memory of this specific issue, but I definitely read it in my twenties.
X-Factor #67: Damn if I didn't find this one exciting. This era of X-Men may not be the most well received, but this storyline really drew me in, and it ended up having massive consequences only shortly after.
Zot #35: I really need to read this entire run again.